Unemployment Insurance for undocumented workers

The Unemployment Insurance for Undocumented Workers bill seeks to provide unemployment insurance & benefits to undocumented workers in the state of Washington. 

This bill was drafted in 2020 and introduced during the 2021 legislative session.

Undocumented workers in the state of Washington would be impacted by the success of this bill. Who is participating? WAISN is leading the UI bill in coalition with several partner organizations; OneAmerica, Asian Counseling and Referral Services (ACRS), WA State Labor Council, SEIU 775, Columbia Legal Services, Latino Community Fund, Working Washington & UFCW3000. Additionally, Representative Amy Walen of the 48th Legislative District and Senator Rebecca  Saldaña of the 37th Legislative District have been the Champions of this bill, with their leadership we have seen success through each legislative session. 

Building on momentum from our advocacy last year, WAISN will continue pressing  for the Unemployment Insurance for Undocumented Workers bill, which will provide unemployment insurance and benefits to undocumented workers in the State of Washington. The majority of undocumented workers are in part-time positions and seasonal work, and many workers who continue to feel the effects of the pandemic are in need of financial assistance.

Our communities are concerned about the ability to pay for rent, utility bills, food and other basic necessities. Unemployment insurance would provide security in the event that someone loses their employment at no fault of their own.

We need to reform the current system that unfairly excludes undocumented workers from unemployment benefits that they contribute to. By standing behind this bill, we are proclaiming that our communities also deserve financial security and having their basic needs met.

Support our UI Campaign!

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